Oh my how time flies!!!! And boy oh boy is Alex growing fast!!!! Sean took the first picture on his actual 4 month birthday. It is one of my very favorites. You can see how strong he is getting by how well he can hold himself up. The smile just melts my heart. I printed this picture and put it on my cart at school. All of my students love to see how Alex is growing. At his doctor visit this week he weighed in at 17 pounds 8 ounces (92nd percentile) and was measured at 25 1/2 inches (70th percentile). He now wears the same size diaper as his cousin Elizabeth who is over 1 1/2 years old!!!!

His "official" 4 month WVU blanket pictures were taken a few days later. Too bad the Mountaineers lost this week. But at least we weren't alone since 4 other top ten teams lost as well. At least we lost to another ranked team. And while we are ending on a sports note, way to go Sox!!! The Red Sox finally clinched the AL East. Turns out one of the new teachers at my school is a big Sox fan, so I'm not alone in Yankee/Mets territory!!!!!
How very beautiful my grandson is!!!!I miss all of you so much.
Looks like Ali is going to be needing a new WV onesie - freakin' hoss! Love & Hugs to all y'all!
Have a blast at Syracuse this weekend. Let's Gooooo Mountaineers!
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