We received some good news this weekend. On Friday night, our great niece Alexis was crowned Homecoming Queen of Magnolia High School in WV. We are so proud of you. The best part is that she was genuinely surprised and overwhelmed by the whole experience. She said she felt like it was a dream. In addition to being a very sweet young lady who is obviously well liked by her peers, Alexis takes pride in being a part of the drum line in her high school band. Way to go Alexis!!!!!

What a nice surprise I had Saturday. I received an email from some friends of ours from NC. They were going to be in town this weekend. Even though time was tight, Alex and I were able to visit with Becca and Sam for about an hour on Saturday evening. Sean had to work so he didn't get to enjoy the visit. It was really nice to have a moment to catch up with friends. Everyone else is reminded that you are welcome to come visit anytime.

We are getting excited for a road trip to Syracuse this weekend with Sean's friend Joe. We are going to get to see the Mountaineers play!!!!! Hopefully they will get back on the winning track!!!