Went home to WV for the summer. Spent a lot of time at the Sutton Swimming Pool....big fun!! Alex loved the pool..."Pool Break! Kids Out!!!!!" He especially loved the days that cousin Elizabeth (or EP as he calls her) was in town to play too!
Back to NYC for fall. Sean's back was REALLY messed up! Had to go to neurologist then on for spinal surgery. His doctor said it was the largest herniation he had ever removed. Sean is doing fantastic now....recovering very nicely!!

Alex is excited for Halloween. He picked out his own costume. We were in Old Navy, not even really looking for costumes. He spied a stuffed banana in the pocket of the monkey costume and said, "Banana!!" I showed him the monkey costume and he said, "Put on mommy." So I put the top on him. Then he demanded, "Pay! Pay!!" HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!