Sean and I made a list of all the "words" Alex says now.....well, OK a lot of them need mom and dad near by to translate, but he is talking more each day. Here's a list of what he says:
Bye-bye, hi, Dad, up, down, ball, bite (he's been saying these for a few months), toes, bath, kick, beep, sit, oops, boo-boo, open, duck, bunny, George (for his Curious George), blanket, book, balloon, hat, help, thanks, tree, eewww (for yucky things on his hands or high chair tray), spoon, bowl, apple, bread, egg, cheese, pizza, bomb (for playing "pillow bomb"), tent (played in mom and dad's bed with the sheets), Jane (for his Aunt Jane), ho-ho (for Santa), doh! (for Homer Simpson), and occasionally he will say mom. He also says and sings "A-B-B" when he sees letters or words (they are all A-B-B to him).
He also makes a variety of animal sounds: chicken (a silent bock-bock), dog/puppy (pants with tongue out), cat/kitty (beow), horse, cow (mmmmm), sheep (a-a-a-a), pig (grunts), baby chickens (peep), rooster (a high-pitched hum while throwing his head back), bear (grrrrr with his "paws" up), beaver (smacks teeth), elephant (uses arm for his trunk). We're working on a monkey (ooo-ooo while scratching his sides) and an owl (whooo-whooo). He also makes the "kssss" sound for Spiderman and will signal touchdown when we say it or he sees football on TV.
In addition he can identify his head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, ears, fingers, belly, penis, knees, and toes by pointing to them when asked. He also recognizes the flying WV and loves it when I sing "Hail West Virginia." He even knows when to pump his fist in the air for the "Rah! Rah!" part and again at the end for "Let's Gooo! Mountaineers!!!!"
Yes, sadly I've become one of those mothers obsessed with everything her son does and thinks he must be the cutest and smartest kid ever born. Leave me alone; I have no life!!!!!!