The Wine family has been enjoying the autumn weather and all the festivities that go along with fall. Alex was a super cute Spiderman for Halloween. Cousin Elizabeth played along with the super hero theme and was Wonder Woman. They sure made a cute couple!! We thought it was appropriate that Alex be Spiderman since our street in NYC is the street where the opening scene to the first Spiderman movie was filmed....where Peter Parker is chasing the school bus up the street....that's our street. We celebrated in Burnsville with our families last weekend. Then on Halloween itself, Spiderman came to see me at PS/MS 194. We walked around the neighborhood too see the other kids, but didn't go trick-or-treating. Since Alex is too little to eat candy I would have felt like I was begging other grown-ups for a handout of free candy. We're not that poor yet!!!

Last weekend we had an excellent time in WV!! We loved visiting with all our family. We spent all day with the Wines making apple butter the old fashioned way. Everyone took turns stirring the big pot over an open fire....even Alex and Elizabeth. It was quite a scene watching the hustle and bustle as the apple butter came off the fire and everyone pitched in to pour and can it. What a great experience it was. We also had a lot of fun helping our great-nephew Mason celebrate his birthday. Family fun!!!!!!!!!!

The Mountaineers seem to be playing much better. That makes us a much happier house on the weekends!!