Gifts and cards continue to come in to welcome Alex. This week he received bibs and books from the Lipetzky family in Raleigh. (Dan is a former student council president of mine.) The Lipetzkys must know how important it is to feed both your body and your brain. Aunt Carol sent a photo album FILLED with the many pictures she took on her visit to meet Alex. She also sent me a couple of pairs of shorts....excellent gift since none of my old ones fit....not yet!!!
We did a bit of traveling this week. On Wednesday Alex, Grandma, and I went to the Bronx to
visit my friends at PS/MS 194. Everyone couldn't get over how long Alex was. We tried to keep him out of the reach of the students...they can be germy little things. On Friday Alex, Grandma, Sean and I went into Manhattan to do some sight-seeing. We went to Battery Park where you can view the Statue of Liberty. Then we walked up to South Street Sea Port. We wanted to get some pictures of the New York babies together (Grandma was born in Brooklyn-Alex in Queens) in front of the Brooklyn Bridge. We stopped in the Heartland Brewery for dinner and walked by Times Square. Alex was fascinated with the lights!!

Saturday was a very sad day for the Wine household. This was the day that we had to take Grandma to the airport to fly home. We were so lucky to have her here for over a month. But that made it very hard to say goodbye to her. A few tears were shed at the airport, and many more once we came home. Cousin Elizabeth surprised Grandma by meeting her at the airport in Pittsburgh. The Wines will survive knowing that it is only about a week before we get to go home to WV to see Grandma and meet the rest of the family.