In case you haven't yet marked it all over your calendar, Alex was born on May 25, 2007, at 8:25 AM. He weighed 8 lbs., 3 oz., and measured 21 - 1/2 inches long.
The picture to the right is one of the first ones - he's holding onto Daddy's hand.

Here's Alex in his going home outfit. A gift from his Daddy. We were afraid that the Pooh slippers that came with the outfit weren't going to fit, but whew, they did! (Don't know how much longer they will fit though!)

You may have guess it, but I think we're planning on raising a Mountaineer fan! Among Alex's favorite players are Steve Slayton (10), Zach Flynt (54), and Patrick White (5).
Let's Gooooooooooooo Mountaineers!
Thanks for checking us out! We'll do our best to keep everyone posted! Alex has his first doctor's appointment tomorrow...